Tooth Extractions Thornhill
Everyone wants to keep their natural teeth. But there are instances when you will need a tooth removed.
Tooth removal is often the last option for dental professionals. Likewise at Dentiflow, our priority it to save your natural smile.
But why would you need tooth extractions? What are potential causes you need to be aware of? Is it costly to have a tooth removed?
We tackle tooth extractions in this post. For more information, please contact our team at (647) 424-5481
What is tooth extraction?
Tooth extraction is the complete removal of a tooth from its socket. It’s usually an outpatient procedure, and you can go home right after.
General Dentists can perform simple tooth extractions, while complex cases may be referred to an oral surgeon or periodontist.
A tooth may be more complicated to remove and require specialized skills. That’s why the procedure starts with an examination. Even if a tooth is already loose, your dentist checks it first before proceeding with the removal.
How long does the recovery take?
The recovery can take a few days. For a smooth healing process, be sure to follow instructions from your dentist. Some can get back to their daily routine within 24 to 72 hours. Complex extractions can take a few weeks to heal.
Why is a tooth extraction necessary?
Adult or permanent teeth last a long time. But several factors may cause the need for removal. Here are some of them:
Infection. A severe tooth infection can damage the pulp and warrant a root canal treatment. But if root canal treatment isn’t enough to restore the tooth, removal may be the only option.
Severe cavities. Tooth decay and cavities can also lead to tooth extraction. If the tooth can no longer be fixed and there’s too little natural tooth structure left, your dentist may recommend extracting it.
Severe gum disease. Advanced gum disease or periodontitis can weaken the gums that secure the tooth, resulting in tooth loss and complete removal.
Major fractures. An extraction may be necessary if any dental procedure won’t be enough to fix damage caused by a heavy blow to the tooth.
Crowding. Your dentist is likely to recommend pulling a tooth if there are too many in the mouth. Crowding causes bite issues. Making room helps correct teeth alignment and makes it easier to clean your mouth.
Preparing for an orthodontic procedure. You may need one or a couple of teeth removed in preparation for getting braces. This makes space so the teeth can move to their desired position.
What to expect during a tooth removal procedure
Your dentist reviews your medical history and takes an x-ray of your tooth.
You must let your dentist know if you’re diagnosed with a medical condition or taking any medications.
You may need antibiotics, depending on the extent of the procedure and the state of your general health.
It helps to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
You need to stop eating or drinking anything hours before the extraction. Your dental team provides detailed instructions during your consultation.
If it’s a complex extraction and you’re receiving anesthesia, arrange for someone to take you home after the procedure and stay with you until you can comfortably move.
An extraction can be simple or surgical.
During a simple extraction, your dentist uses hand-held instruments to loosen and remove the tooth.
For surgical extractions, your dentist cuts through the gums to reach the tooth. Depending on the tooth orientation, it may need to be broken to pieces first, or bones around it may need to be removed.
You need to rest for the next 24 hours and delay any physical activity. Plan your week accordingly so you can fully recharge and avoid complications.
Let the area form a clot and avoid habits, such as spitting and drinking from a straw, that can dislodge it.
You also need to limit your diet to soft food in the meantime.
How much does a tooth extraction cost?
The area must be examined first to determine if the extraction shall be simple or complex.
If the tooth comes in at an awkward angle, impacted, or buried beneath the gums, it will need a surgical extraction. Surgical extractions cost more than simple removals.
Simple tooth removal is performed when the tooth is easily accessible and can be removed with controlled back and forth movements.
Know more about getting tooth extraction procedure in Thornhill, ON
Schedule a visit to your dentist for an assessment and cost estimate. If you’re in Thornhill, ON, and need a tooth extraction, get in touch with us today at (647) 424-5481.
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- Tooth Extractions
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- Wisdom Teeth Removal